Hungarian Reformed Church will not take part in the CPCE General Assembly   Press Release   30.7.24 The Hungarian Reformed Church has announced that it is withdrawing its delegates for the 9th General Assembly of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe,...
Interview of the Day

Interview of the Day

Interview of the day with Klara Tarr-Cselovszky, Head of the External Relations Department of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary and new elected proxy in the CPCE Council Mrs Tarr, how are you feeling as a Hungarian at this Assembly? I am doing very well. I...
Interview of the day

Interview of the day

Saturday, 31 August 2024 Kilian Dörr, parish priest at the Protestant parish church in Sibiu Pastor Dörr, what does it do to you as the ‘host’ when you have the CPCE General Assembly as a guest in ‘your’ church? For me, it’s pure joy. I am delighted that the old...
Interview of the Day

Interview of the Day

Dr Ulrich H.J. Körtner, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Vienna, attending the Assembly as an expert What expectations do you have of the General Assembly? Körtner: Christianity as a whole is facing dramatic changes in Europe. The churches are...
Interview of the Day

Interview of the Day

Dimitrios Boukis is a pastor of the Evangelical Church of Greece Dimitrios, what is the current situation in your country? Dimitrios: It is much better than it was a year ago. Nevertheless, we still have big problems finding flats for our people. Housing has become...