Press & Media

As media representatives, you are cordially invited to this General Assembly and we look forward to welcoming you to Sibiu/Hermannstadt. For information, we kindly ask you to contact Magdalena Bruckmüller,

We provide information before, during and after the Assembly on an ongoing basis.

Press releases will be available daily in the download area (for journalists) during the Assembly. Access to the press download area is via a password.

Documents which are public can also be easily accesed at the bottom of this page. 



The General Assembly of the CPCE is a public event, so we invite church and secular media representatives to participate and report on it independently.

For all accredited media representatives, a download area has been set up on this homepage, where you can access all relevant information in text and images with a password.

Latest News

A small colorful world…

A small colorful world…

...will meet in Sibiu only a few days from now. Delegate, Observer, Staff, Expert, Press, Guest - everyone will have their role, recognizable in the color of the badge.

The Protestant Church in Switzerland prepares for the General Assembly

The Protestant Church in Switzerland prepares for the General Assembly

On 28 May, a meeting was held in Bern for all those responsible from Switzerland and Liechtenstein who are involved in various CPCE study processes, regional groups and advisory boards, as well as those who have taken part in CPCE consultations. A summary of the last...

Stewards Prepare for the General Assembly

Stewards Prepare for the General Assembly

On 28 May and 30 May, the stewards met digitally via Zoom for the first time to prepare and get to know each other for the General Assembly. Twenty-nine young people from 27 different CPCE member churches took part. We are very impressed by the diversity and...

Council adopts new resolutions for the General Assembly

Council adopts new resolutions for the General Assembly

On 27 May, the Council met online for its last meeting before the General Assembly. The report from the Head Office on the status of preparations was noted and individual challenges were discussed. Proposals for the distribution of delegates into working groups as...

In the Starting Blocks

In the Starting Blocks

Delegates of the CPCE General Assembly from ten countries and even more churches in Southern, Central, Northern and Eastern Europe came in Budapest. From 2 to 4 May, they were able to take a break from the day-to-day business of their churches and get in the mood for...

Steward Program

Steward Program

Thank you for the many applications for the steward programme. Now 32 young men and women from different denominations and countries have been selected to take part in the programme in Sibiu. They will meet in Sibiu a week beforehand to get acquainted with the CPCE,...

Preliminary 2024 General Assembly Program

Preliminary 2024 General Assembly Program

The preliminary program for the upcoming 2024 CPCE General Assembly in Sibiu is now visible! Please click the link below to download the program in either English or German. Please note that this is not the final program, so there may be changes, but this will give...

Press Releases


Press releases | Public

New Council elected
Panel discussion on the war in Ukraine
CPCE Presidents reports
PR_Report of the General Secretary
30th Anniversary Women's Ordination in the Evangelical Church A.C. in Romania
Hungarian Reformed Church will not take part
General Assembly of the CPCE
15 November 2024 |

Pressemitteilungen | Öffentlich

Neuer GEKE Rat gewähltDownload
Podiumsdiskussion zum Ukraine-KriegDownload
GEKE PräsidiumsberichtDownload
PM_Bericht des GeneralsekretärsDownload
Pressemitteilung 30 Jahre Frauenordination in der Evangelischen Kirche A.B. in RümanienDownload
Ungarische Reformierte Kirche nimmt nicht teilDownload
Vollversammlung der GEKEDownload
15 November 2024 |