Dimitrios Boukis is a pastor of the Evangelical Church of Greece
Dimitrios, what is the current situation in your country?
Dimitrios: It is much better than it was a year ago. Nevertheless, we still have big problems finding flats for our people. Housing has become extremely expensive. Many young families can’t afford a flat. As a church, we have to help. Childcare is extremely important for such families.
What do you expect from this meeting for your church?
Dimitrios: Networking is incredibly important for us small churches. Here I meet other people who have access to resources and, above all, who have ideas. That’s exactly what we need.
Do you sometimes have the feeling that your region is forgotten?
Dimitrios: I wouldn’t say forgotten, but a little more interest from other parts of Europe would do us good.
What will you take back to Athens when you return home?
Dimitrios: I’m taking a lot of good ideas with me. I am encouraged to carry on and strengthen our people. And I will miss the good coffee from the plenary session.